For the first time ever WinterPride will take place in Amsterdam this year. WinterPride is a two week program consisting of all kinds of LGBTQI+ related activities and is initiated by Queer 365 partner Stichting OndersteBoven.
Queer 365 is organizing a large part of the program, the highlight being the LGBTQI+ safety conference that consists of five chapters. Safety issues will be discussed in various city districts. What are the causes of sexual violence in the queer community? How do we deal with increasing unsafety for queers with a Muslim background? How do you arm yourself against transphobia or homophobia?
Also taking place during WinterPride: a meeting about queer parenthood, a film screening about Va-Bene Elikem Fiatisi; an artist and trans woman who runs a performance center in Ghana and Donnie’s Magical Winter Ball for Rainbow Families!

Queer Parenthood
Curious about queer parenthood? Join us for our next Oscam Speaks Sessions x Encourager x Colourful Pride. Host Afiah Vijlbrief will guide a heartfelt conversation with queer community members about the journey to parenthood. Expect insights, experiences, and valuable tips from those who have paved the way.

SAFETY CONFERENCE #1: Sexual Abuse in the Queer Community
People in the queer community face significantly more sexual violence than those outside of it. Why is that? And what can we do about it? During this evening we will dive into this topic and search for solutions. Amsterdam should be, and remain, a city of sexual freedom and experimentation for queers, and for that reason, we must stand up against all forms of sexual violence.
The following topics will be discussed. How do we deal with consent in places of sexual freedom? Why are queers more often sexually abused, even as children? How can we ensure queers are able to report sexual abuse more effectively? How can Amsterdam better protect queer refugees from boundary-crossing behavior? And why do we never hear anything about sexual abuse in the lesbian scene?
We will be talking to Levi Jacobs (Sexual Abused Artists Collective), Ira Kip, Mani Nezami, Michael O’Dea (Menaswell), Anne Rodermond (Club Church), and we will have a performance by Didi Kruike. The evening will be hosted by Jan Hoek and Valentijn Hoogenkamp.

QueerXPress over Gender Based Violence
QueerXpress is a livecast made by Queer Women and mainly addresses topics that this group has to deal with. This time Gender Based Violence is central to the conversation. One of the speakers is Emre Ünver, district chairman of Nieuw- West. The livecast is also streamed live. Check the registration button for the link.

SAFETY CONFERENCE #2: Islamophobia in the Queer Community
Islamophobia is increasing throughout Europe, including Amsterdam. What does this mean for queer and trans people with a Muslim background?
Since October 7, it has become clear that the sense of security that many queer and trans Muslims find here is not self-evident. What steps can be taken to prevent the loss of sense of security? What does the increasing discrimination against Muslims mean for queer and trans people who embrace their faith and culture? How can the voices of queer refugees from Southwest Asia and North Africa be amplified?
This evening seeks solutions and connections and makes room for the unique experiences of queer and trans people with a Muslim background. The evening is curated and presented by Tofik Dibi and Simomo Bouj. Everyone with an interest in this theme is welcome.
In addition, there is an opportunity to visit the exhibition Boujloud Beats in No Limits! Art Castle, an exhibition that explores “otherness” in the SWANA region.

WinterPride PubQuiz
Are you ready for a fun and challenging evening full of knowledge and competition? Then join The Buiten Pubquiz on Wednesday, November 27th and show how sharp your general knowledge is!
Teams: Maximum 5 people per team (you can have more, but then you won’t be eligible for the main prize)
Rounds: General knowledge, 2 WinterPride themed rounds, music and current events
Cost: Only €3.50 per person OR free if you dine with us beforehand!
Prize: The drink tab of the winners will be torn up and you’ll win eternal glory!

The Queer Union Academy
Are you a queer influencer, artist, photographer, teacher or independent entrepreneur who identifies as part of the LGBTQI+ community? Are you interested in being part of a network that focuses on professionalization, entrepreneurship, knowledge exchange and creating financial stability?
If the answer is yes, then come to The Queer Union Academy on November 28, 2024. Guests include Amber Vineyard.

Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi: Performance as Life
Screening of the documentary ‘Va-Bene Elikem Fiatsi: Performance as Life.’ Va-Bene, also known as The Crazinist Artist, is a performance artist and transgender woman who runs a performance center in Kumasi, Ghana. It is the only openly queer space in Ghana, a country where severe anti-LGBTQI laws have recently been enacted, but Va-Bene refuses to leave.
Additionally, we will be screening a short film by the Egyptian crip/queer artist Weirdo.
The evening will be hosted by artist and activist Abu Shhab, who will engage in conversation with Va-Bene and the directors of the film: Giulia Casalini and Niya B. Organized in collaboration with International Queer and Migrant Filmfestival.
There will also be an opportunity to visit the exhibition Boujloud Beats in No Limits! Art Castle, which explores otherness in the SWANA region.”

The Queer Family Donnie WinterBall
A party for princesses, princes and everything in between. Princes in heels and princesses with mustaches: is that crazy or just the bomb?! The Pink Embassy & Donnie Foundation organize Donnie’s Magical Winter Ball; a colorful children’s party where we plant a seed that being yourself is the most fun!
Donnie’s Magical Winter Ball connects and surprises. Rainbow families and children are playfully challenged to form their own opinion about everything they see and experience during Donnie’s Magical Ball. By making children more aware of topics such as rainbow families, queerness, equality, freedom and diversity in a contemporary way, their view of the world will broaden.
Donnie’s Magical Winter Ball is the perfect event for rainbow families to meet each other and celebrate queerness together, to be proud of parents and children and everyone around them.

WinterPride at Sloterplas
Get ready for a fun, sporty WinterPride afternoon on and around the Sloterplas at the Watersportcentrum. With catchy tunes to dance to outside and hot chocolate to warm up after a sailing lesson or pedal boat ride. You can also get to know various queer initiatives at the mini market. Organized in collaboration with Scouting Sarto and Boothuis

SAFETY CONFERENCE #3: LGBTQI+ Safety in Amsterdam South- East
Despite Amsterdam’s reputation as a progressive city, safety issues for LGBTIQ+ residents persist. This meeting will explore and improve the safety situation for LGBTIQ+ people in Zuidoost through community engagement and the development of new strategies.
The meeting aims to create a safer Zuidoost by raising awareness, improving the willingness to report and stimulating active community engagement.

SAFETY CONFERENCE #4: Improving Safety in Nightlife and On the Road
In collaboration with RITA, the newest online reporting platform for the LGBTQI+ community, we facilitate the conversation about safety while going out and on the road. What measures are needed to further improve safety for LGBTQI+ people? Influencers Ma’Ma Queen and Deen Groothuizen facilitate the conversation.

SAFETY CONFERENCE #5: Strengthening Your Safety
During this interactive session by Stichting OndersteBoven and Connecting Differences practical tools will be discussed. How do you respond to unwanted behavior such as bullying, discrimination and (micro)aggression? How do you, as a bystander, take action in a safe manner? How do you respond when sexual boundaries are overstepped? We will practice together in a safe environment. Also we would like to hear your ideas about how we can make Amsterdam Nieuw-West safer for everyone.

Sistaaz of the Castle
Being trans, being homeless, being a sex worker, and still looking like a superstar every day. The fashion documentary film ‘Sistaaz of the Castle’ is created by SistaazHood (trans sex work support group in Cape Town), fashion designer Duran Lantink, and artist Jan Hoek. It showcases the lives of a group of homeless trans sex workers who not only fight for justice but also create the most fabulous outfits from everything they receive and find. Two years ago, they had their first fashion show at The Castle of Good Hope, the castle where most of these women live on the streets.
With an introduction by HXSSY (Queer SW Art & Culture) and a performance by Kaiden Ford.

Fabulous Stroll Through the Park
Join old and new acquaintances during a fabulous tour of Sloterplas. The entire walk is 5.6 kilometers and we pause at some queer friendly places along the route. Dogs are welcome.

Boujloud Beats: Rhythms of Plurality
Boujloud Beats: Rhythms of Plurality is a unique group exhibition in which artists explore the boundaries of art and identity, inspired by the Moroccan Boujloud ritual.
The title Boujloud Beats: Rhythms of Plurality refers to the way in which people constantly switch between different layers of their personality, and how these layers sometimes converge or collide. The identity of the artist, and the way in which it moves through society and sometimes expresses itself in different forms, is just as important as the artwork itself. Just as the Boujloud ritual breaks aesthetic conventions, this exhibition does so by celebrating multiple identities and self-expression.
Participating artists: Mounir Edib, Soukaina (Yeoja Makes), WeirDo, Simomo Bouj, Abu shhab, Imad Zoukanni, Yasemin Gheisari, Safae Labzae, Vanity Dusk and Tchach Projects.